Push To Walk


Summer/Diving Safety

June is an exciting month for most. It marks the beginning of summer, vacations, and beautiful weather. For some of our clients however, the summer months mark the anniversary of their injury sustained from a diving or water-related accident.

Entering the sunny months of summer, Push to Walk would like to remind everyone of summer safety and precautions to take so you can have a safe and fun summer season!

1. The American Red Cross recommends a minimum of 10 feet of water depth for headfirst dives including dives from pool decks.
2. No above-ground pools are safe for diving.
3. Don’t dive into water where visibility is not clear. Murky water could be hiding underwater rocks, tree trunks, or other obstructions. In the ocean, changing tides and waves cause sands to shift and create sandbars.
4. Do not use alcohol before or during diving—or any other water sports. Alcohol influences balance, coordination, and judgment.
5. Always teach children about water safety and provide supervision.
6. Do not ignore “No Diving” signs, they are there for a reason.
7. When in doubt, always enter feet first.

Some Statistics:
*Diving into pools and lakes causes 26,000 orthopedic injuries each year, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Approximately 800 of those injuries result in paralysis.
*Diving is the fourth leading cause of spinal cord injury among males and the fifth leading cause among females.
*As many as one of every 10 injuries to the cervical spinal cord is caused by a diving accident. The victims are predominantly male.

Interested in learning some of our client’s personal stories? Visit our client bio page.
