Push To Walk

Upcoming Event

A Musical Celebration for Wendy

October 21, 2023

Please join us for a musical event honoring Wendy, a former Push to Walk client. All proceeds from ticket sales for this fun, family-friendly event will be donated directly to Push to Walk.

Wendy loved her exercise workouts at Push to Walk, where she was challenged every session to work on her balance, strength, and mobility.

If you can’t attend on October 21, please consider a donation to Push to Walk in Wendy’s memory, so that others dealing with MS can benefit from their program as well.


Full Day of Music, Family & Friends Celebrating Wendy!

Get Your Ticket Today!

All proceeds go to Push to Walk!

Doors Open at 11:30 AM

The show begins at noon. All ages are welcome.

Music Schedule

12:00 • Vince Genella Power Trio

1:00 • Crystal Vision

2:00 • Complicated

3:00 • UnBrothers