Push To Walk


December 2019 Client of the Month, Chris S.!

Push to Walk’s December 2019 Client of the Month is Chris! Chris has been training consistently at Push to Walk since January 2012. He wakes up early on Monday and Thursday mornings to be the first client in the gym. Chris works hard during the exercises, and often asks to do more reps to put in some extra work. The trainers have been focusing on developing more core strength, as well as facilitate more leg movement during walking. Chris has recently started using the Litegait Treadmill, walking upwards of 20 minutes at a time with the use of the harness system for support. Chris demonstrates significant strength during various exercises, most notably while doing back extensions, leg presses, and chest presses. Chris has also been working and improving on his seated balance, more than doubling his score on his last re-evaluation test! After the session, Chris spends 25 to 30 minutes cycling on the RT 200, pushing hard to get a solid cardio workout. In between sets, Chris likes to use his extensive music knowledge to quiz the training staff on trivia, asking everyone if they know which artist is playing on the radio at that moment.